The Park:

News From Vidanta - Updated Renderings

April 16, 2019

Following are the latest renderings we have received to date. There are changes, as one would expect, because plans are changing all the time. There are still two years of construction ahead before plans for the Park becomse become fully committed.

One thing is for certain: There is a lot of dirt being moved around and lakes are being formed. Shape of the Park is becoming more clear.

The buildings in this video are the buildings along the border of Jarretaderas, which is in the background behind the new structures. Two years away from opening....

The following renderings present a feel for what the property will ultimately become. Pretty amazing, for sure:

This view is looking North toward Jarretaderas....note the gondola and gondola tower...and the balloon could be a ride....

This aerial view is also looking North toward Jarretaderas. At least six of the buildings seem to have two story windows in the top floors. Could these be 2 BR and 3 BR "Loft Park Terrace" units?

Castle Rock is quite a structure. This rendering projects what it might look like from the ground level. Look for the building to the right in the previous rendering to get a feel for where you might be standing in the rendering shown above.

Changes will come at different paces. The structural changes will be the most obvious and will show up throughout the coming years. It will be exciting when the Park finally opens.
You know what we are going to say.....Stay Tuned.....!!
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