Six beautiful and luxurious 4 BR Empire Estates Units are now open.

Empire Estates 4 BR Units Are Open

March 23, 2022

We learned yesterday that the thrid floor of the 4 BR Empire Estates building is now ope and operational. This is a major accomplishment because a very smoky and hot fire broke out in a construction storage area under the Southeast Wing on March 9, 2022.

The fire is out in this photo, but the black smoke left it's mark on the SE Wing of the Empire Estates Building on March 9, 2022.

Although the fire was extinguished in about 3 hours, the smoke damage was significant. We understand that all the units with linens, floor coverings and wall-hanging items were taken down, destroyed and replaced. This fire event was a major setback because of the upcoming PGA Tournament scheduled from April 28 to May 1, 2022.

The fact that the Empire Estates pod is open after such a short time after a major event speaks highly of managment's ability to respond to a major event. We would love to hear from anyone who is staying in the Empire Estates building now.
We are thrilled to see the Empire Estates building open, even if only the top floor is now occupied. Great news!!
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