The January 25, 2017 Aimfair Gathering.  A very lively event, and many attendees were not Aimfair members.
The January 25, 2017 Aimfair Gathering. A very lively event, and many attendees were not Aimfair members.

Results of January 25, 2017 Gathering Survey

February 4, 2017

The January 25, 2017 was attended by over 100 people, the majority of which were non-Aimfair members. Because they were not included in the list of invitees, they did not participate in the survey.

That said, those who attended the January meeting had similar views as those who attended in November. Here are the results:

Questions Directed to Vidanta Management 
Survey Replies:
  • Convention center was not satisfactorily answered on how it will affect facilities used by existing owners. Informed that convention will be used during normal slow months to retain employees normally laid off. Sounds good but because of so many changes in Mr. Chavez's plans, it is hard to believe any statements from Vidanta. Another item is the difficulty to get off base to restaurants here in Nuevo. We have been owners since before Grand Mayan opened. While we love our Grand Luxxe Villa, our favorite times were when there was shuttle service to the Sea Garden and we could walk to our favorite offsite restaurants.

  • While I want to say the meeting was very worthwhile and I want to compliment Bob and Mary-Ann for arranging the gathering, I believe it would be helpful if in the future there were actual senior management in attendance so that individuals could get more definitive answers to their questions

  • Can discuss until blue in the face it is ACTION we need. It is apparent they do not plan to change our greatest concerns I.e. Easier access in and out, road North change, room assignments and reservations

  • There needs to be a Vida person there who has some authority. We kept hearing "I can't do anything about that.”

  • Questions were put out by many members on varios issues but answers were not given Uf anything it would be good feed back for Vidanta as to complaints some members have

  • Sales truths

  • We would like to have answers to the questions asked. Brett was very nice but had no answers.

  • The Vida Rep did a fine job handling the crowd and answering questions honestly. Large crowd, some were a little aggressive and sometimes off topic. I would try to keep attendees in the 20 or so range. Notes from each meeting up on the website would be very informative. Thanks for the invite, I would go again if asked.

  • More input regarding reservations.

Questionnaire Responses

Thank you to all who participated and helped. Let's see if we can get action.
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