They Are Back.....

December 1, 2012

It seems to us that we all are becoming hostage to the media.

An example of this is the February 27, 2012 Huff Post Travel article that barked "Cruise Passengers Robbed: 22 Carnival Passengers Held Up In Mexico". In the article the writer stated:
"The guests were being transported from a jungle nature hike to the port in Puerto Vallarta, when they were attacked around 5 p.m., reports the Los Angeles Times. The robbers made off with cameras, money, watches and other valuables before leaving the scene."
Other sources of information for the article were the Associated Press and CNN.

As you do, we have many friends who are against traveling to Mexico because of fear generated by articles like this one, written by well recognized publishers such as the Huffington Post, the LA Times, the Associated Press and CNN.

Why would these publications post an article that was so slanted in one way, almost fear mongering?

Where are the articles that discuss the fact that Carnival Cruise Lines and others have scheduled in 2012 and 2013 numerous trips that stop at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico?

Where are the follow up articles that answer questions that linger afterwards?

Its been 9 months since the incident. We thought it would be fun to find out how many cruise lines are returning to Puerto Vallarta.

Here is what we found on for arrivals in December, 2012 and early January, 2013:
This list does not include the Princess and Crystal Cruise ships we saw on November 16, 2012 as we were on our way to Boca Tomatlan to have lunch at the Ocean Grill.

Is it just us? Or are we all captives of the media and believe the bad news and forget to follow up to learn the "Rest of the Story".
Cruise lines are extremely concerned about security and safety. Their ships travel to only the safest ports.

Why don't publishers of catchy headlines follow up to tell the rest of the story, such as the major clean up in Puerto Vallarta and increased focus on tourism?

Maybe its because we readers only want to hear the negative sides and not the positive. But then, that's a whole nother story, isn't it?
Stay tuned...
