Happy Holidays

December 22, 2016

The Christmas Tree in front of the Plaza is now complete.  Each step of the way was fun to watch.  Now, we celebrate!  Happy Holidays!
The Christmas Tree in front of the Plaza is now complete. Each step of the way was fun to watch. Now, we celebrate! Happy Holidays!

The Holiday Season is wonderful. Youngsters are wide eyed. Teenagers still enjoy the mystery of what's coming next. Friends and couples share good times. Families with grand parents, parents, partners and children come together to share gifts, laughter and fun together. Its that way for us anyway....

Its that way in Nuevo Vallarta too. Look what we found - Santa is there in person:

Then there is this very heartwarming and conceivable story:

We originally came to Neuvo Vallarta to gather memories. And gather them we have. With nine grand children and ten children and spouses, the memories abound. We anticipate they will continue, too, with all the additions to the property and apparent willingness to go the extra mile, so to speak.

There is no question that the company is in the real estate business, and the sole purpose of the business plan is to sell its product. That said, it is a very quality product and the grounds are second to none.

So, it is with great pleasure that we wish all our new found friends who are Aimfair members or maybe not, company employees or maybe not the happiest and most memorable Holiday Season, and a healthy, prosperous, fun filled 2017.
Cheers! To fond memories and good friends!!

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