Fake CEAV Representative - Wanting to help victims of timeshare scams

May 30, 2020

Here we go again....more scams. This one is from a person who is impersonating an official from a legitimate Mexican Agency. The agency is called CEAV (Comisión Ejecutiva n Atención a Victimas). You can see from the letter that the message is the bad guys have been aprehended and we are here to help you.

Read the letter. Look at the many gramerical and spelling errors.

Also, note the domain name in Item (1) below. This domain was formed on 11/23/19 and is 119 days old. There are a number of legitmate sites that look similar. The difference is they are not scams.

Be aware of the message below. Although there is no reference to wanting support yet, it will come with future correspondence.

From: Alejandra Guadarrama ceavgob.mx (Item 1)
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 2:40 PM
To: Previously Scammed Individual (2 - real name is placed here)
Subject: process of Investigation

To whom it may concern! May 28 of 2020
Mr. Previously Scammed Individual

the purpose of this email is to notify you of an an investigation being carried out in order to justify a number of deposits made to banks Accounts to Mexico.

The FIU, (Financial Intelligence Unit) started the investigation due to the vulnerability of several accounts with receptions of currencies from different countries. One of the most important features was the daily extraction of cash and its unstable fluctuation with the reception of currencies from different countries with considerable quantities and constant deposits. These deposits among others dating and several bank accounts.

Federal Agency CEAV (Comisión Ejecutiva n Atención a Victimas), inquiry where it is intended to clarify the origin and purpose for which these deposits were made. poin checks I wting to terrorist financing and money laundering. Attached to this email you´ll find a document from the firm and a digital copy of my credential. A prompt response will be appreciated for proper follow up.

God Bless! and have a wonderful day!

Respectfully at your Service.

.Lic.Juan Francisco García Santillán
Cedula number 4750653
Federal Legal Advisor.

Delegacion Ejecutiva en Atencion a Victimas
De Fraude y Extorción.
(011 52) 55 85 26 81 83
Toll-Free Number (866) 683 7204
Also, here are a number of links to legitimate sites, all in Español:
  1. https://www.gob.mx/ceav
  2. https://www.gob.mx/ceav/es/articulos/que-es-la-ceav-piloto?idiom=es
  3. https://www.govserv.org/MX/Mexico-City/1391781024412483/Comisión-Ejecutiva-de-Atención-a-V%C3%ADctimas
  4. https://www.gob.mx/ceav/prensa/crean-red-nacional-de-comisiones-de-atencion-a-victimas
Following is a statement that defines the mission of the different agencies that comprise the CEAV:
(From the fourth link:)They are part of the National Network of Victim Assistance Commissions, a historic initiative aimed at establishing a common strategy and strengthening inter-institutional communication among all the agencies in charge of victim care in the country, while recognizing the differences between the governments of each entity. federative.

The 32 state commissions for the care of victims expressed their support and endorsement of the new Comprehensive Model for the Care of Victims, which is promoted by the Executive Commission for the Care of Victims (CEAV) with the leadership of Executive Commissioner Mara Gómez Pérez.

The new Comprehensive Model for Victims' Care contemplates the standardization of the processes of care and psychosocial support, the unification of the legal status and the establishment of homologated standards of reparation, to inhibit the monetary and clientelistic tendency of the reparations that are delivered to the victims. of a crime or human rights violations.

It is a common initiative at the national level with a common objective: to build a virtuous circle of quality psychosocial support; professional legal representation and advice; fair, dignified and equitable measures of reparation; guarantees of non-repetition, as well as options and conditions for the recovery of your life projects.

In a first exchange of opinions and objectives, the members of the National Network of Commissions for Attention to Victims highlight that the different support measures must be delivered to victims of crime and their families with approved criteria, in order to avoid discretionary decisions and First and second category labels that, in the past, reproduced the cycle of revictimization.

Unique databases and the operation of an information exchange system on emblematic cases will be created through the National Network of Victim Assistance Commissions, which could be replicated in other states of the country.

Within the National Network of Commissions for Attention to Victims, they are also evaluating the advisability of requesting the creation of a Federal Fund for State Commissions for Attention to Victims, or to reform the Fiscal Coordination Law so that they have access to the Contribution Fund for Public Safety. Any of these options will allow you to simplify administrative processes for the delivery, justification and verification of emergency aid measures, without delays or delays.

The members of the National Network of Commissions for Attention to Victims agreed on a critical work route, which will continue next June with thematic roundtables; the proposed reforms to the General Victims Law, scheduled for August; and the presentation of a draft budget for state commissions, scheduled for October 2020.

In Mexico, there are 23 state Executive Commissions for Victim Assistance. The rest are general directorates or coordinations that are part of the Attorney General of the states and others to the Government Secretariats.
Clearly, the CEAV is about providing services to victims of abuse and crimes. It is not designed to investigate matters involving foreign victims of scams.
Thank you to the Aimfair member who brought this to our attention. Scams are on the rise. Remember, only YOU can help stamp out scams - Don't Send Money....
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