Our visit in 2018 was terrific, and it was highlighted by Red Blood moons. This one happened to remain in the sky until early morning. Beautiful!
Nuevo Vallarta - January, 2018
March 15, 2018
Opening of the Lakes Course - The new 10 hole Executive Course
The Lakes Course is an Executive Golf course with 10 holes, the longest of which is approximately 165 yards, and a lotta watta!

Our friends played the course and had a great time! Did they lose balls? Yes, they did, but course managers were there to give them more.
Lights are on from dusk to 10 PM. They are not intrusive. There is a fee to play at night. Make playing this course a "must do" on your next trip!!
The new Lakes Course is a jewel, as can be seen in this and other photos. Make sure your short game is on, though because you may contribute many balls to the lakes.
The Lakes Course is available for night use for a fee. You will have to check with the Pro Shop. Although the course is short, it seems like a great challenge and good for at least one round with a tolerant friend.
The Tower Five Rooftop Pool and Quintos Restaurant
The Rooftop Pool area on Tower Five is very attractive and popular! People show up early to sit and save their seats by the pool. It is definitely more intimate than the larger, in ground pools, but it most likely is warmer on sunny days and limited in scope (no ocean or beach walks or limited just walking around to stretch). Regardless, it is a favorite of ours.
We had a very nice meal at Quintos Restaurant. The tip we would give is to ask for seating near the pools rather than near the windows. The wind can blow through the area, which could make an otherwise nice evening less enjoyable.
Quintos at the Rooftop Pool on Tower Five is a good restaurant. Featured dishes include grilled meats. Definitely a nice place to eat at least once during your stay. Don't be surprised to see swimmers in the early evening.
New Palapas - Rent by the day - In front of the Adults Pool
The price is about $1,500 MXP per day. Open at 10 AM and close at about 5 PM or maybe dusk. You rent the space by the day, and included in the rental is your food and drink. We heard the allocation is about $1,000 MXP per day for food and drink and $500 MXP per day is the use fee. We believe the rate is per family, but that has to be confirmed. No children allowed.
There are lounge chairs for sitting in the sun and beds for resting during the heat of the day. Sounds like an interesting idea, especially if you like privacy and the beach.
The new palapas are perfect for couples who want to be near the beach, have their food and drink included in the price and want privacy. These are located below the Adult Pool next to the Mayan Palace pool.
The Adult Pool is a popular place for adults only to read, relax and enjoy the view of the beach. Although the new palapas do slightly present themselves, they not appear to block much of the view.
Views of the beach are terrific at the Adult Pool. The roof tops of new palapas do appear, but they are not too obtrusive.
The Park
The Park is still under construction. But the hotel buildings are likely to remain skelletons for the foreseeable future. There are many rumored and factual changes. In the meantime, dredging will likely continue near The Park. We don't know what this is all about. Following are photos of the area in Janaury, 2018:
The Park is undergoing changes, but it appears the three hotel structures are not affected. They will remain skelletons until the last minute.
This structure may ultimately be connected with the structure on the ridht. Only skelletons now.
This structure is between the two structures at the entrance to Vidanta's property and the building at the north end. Not sure which theme this will be. Time will tell.
This photo shows the building that is in the north corner of the Park. This is one of the hotels.
Trucks are transporting dirt dredged from the area next to the Highway 200 bridge over the Ameca River. So far, there is no indication what this will become, but the Sales Department has told us it is part of The Park.
A lot of dredging is occuring in the area next to the Highway 200 bridge over the Ameca River. Not sure what the area will become, but it is part of The Park.
There is a large body of water in this area. Dredging is deepening the lagoon. It appears the dirt is being transported to a construction site in front of Tower Five and Six. Stay tuned.
Walk off the property through the gate near the old entrance to the property. Tap the title to read more.
Vidanta Nayarit, which is what they now call Vidanta's property at Nuevo Vallarta is growing and changing. Maybe the changes will be greater than before. Since 2008, Grupo Vidanta has added 9 Luxxe Towers, 1 Grand Bliss Tower, an Entertainment Center (Santuario), a convention center, two new golf courses and a long entrance to the property. Tower six is under construction. And finally, the Park is under construction too.
What will the next 10 years bring? Stay tuned....!