Nuevo Vallarta Update - From Colin
March 30, 2016
Colin is the fouth Aimfair member to send an update from Grupo Vidanta's property in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Tower 5A was the primary subject that garnered most attention. The other matter that garnered attention was the changes taking place at the old entrance and what members and guests can do to leave the property by foot.
Following are his comments and photos that were taken between March 3, 2016 and March 17, 2016:
March 21, 2016
As I promised last December, this is the first of five emails with attached photographs of progress in building Tower 5 at Vidanta, Nuevo Vallarta taken by me on-site during the first part of March 2016. I am sending them each separately so that I can send the photos as 2-3 MB pixel count for clarity. Please use them as you choose.
It was hazy when I took this photo. See the golf cart bridge (middle to far right) to new golf course, the new course was delayed by being washed out by the Rio Ameca flooding it in November. Still only 9 holes playable.
Photo taken from our 9 th floor balcony in Tower 1.
Final. Photo taken with my back to the Residence tower where the golf carts now load and leave from.
Please use as you see fit.
March 21, 2016
Photo 1087. At the very far left of the photo see the start of a new bridge which will allow golf carts to cross over Blvd. Nayarit and is to be locked at dusk. Behind the new bridge, not visible but in the camera line, is the Taco Break Restaurant. This is no longer listed as a restaurant on Vidanta literature. Rumour has it that it has been sold.
Photo 1091. The round building was the security stop. I place the shovel of the digger to be where the bench was on which we sat waiting for the shuttle to the Santuario after coming through what was then the Main Entrance/Exit.
Best regards
P.S.. We currently have made no plans to return.
Attached is a photo of the magnificent new Big V entrance exit (no pedestrian traffic) from Hwy 200 just after crossing the bridge into Nayarit state.
Taxi to airport is now 145 pesos (shorter drive), to Wal-Mart 100 pesos, Eddie's 130 Pesos.
Hi. This is an unacceptable turn of events again to keep us on-site.
Many in the Punta/ Tower 1 pools were referring the move to enclose the site as creating Stalag 200 (named after the highway) where the ONLY way into/out of the property is a mega turn-off, beautifully landscaped but a 4 Km taxi ride from Hwy 200 to the new taxi arrivals area, followed by a shuttle ride from it to the Santuario. There is a pedestrian walkway from the new taxi arrivals area to the Santuario should you choose. If you wish to go by taxi (no pedestrian traffic allowed along this 4 Km new road) in the direction of Bucerias, and since the Vidanta exit under the Hwy 200 is still two months away from being completed, the taxis must go in the direction of PV crossing the state line into the State of Jalisco, do a U turn passing by the Starbucks Coffee drive-through and pick up Hwy 200 in the direction Bucerias.
Early in March 2016 some people had taken the shuttle early one evening and walked out through what until then was the Main Gate to eat at El Barracuda restaurant. Upon returning they found the whole Main Gate was a major construction site with heavy equipment and workers everywhere! They we refused entry to this construction site and with both golf gates locked they walked back through the Sea Garden Hotel and the beach.
The photos attached show the extent of the demolition and construction underway. Please note save photos then open using your photo software to remove the background which remains if you simply Open.
Photo 1110. This is the big sign advising of the future. I say that since although signs do say no pedestrian traffic there has been no security personnel on-site to enforce it (the workers could care less). We walked off/onto the site through the construction area several times without being challenged but once that changes our only options will be to use the beach and exit at the marina entrance or use to Sea Garden which may not be available to us OR take a taxi.
There are many very unhappy members but since selling at some 25 cents on the dollar is not an option, what can we do but live with this mega change.
Please use the content of this email and the photographs as you see fit.