East Cape Articles:

Photo Update of Nuevo Vallarta - From Lindsa_M

April 26, 2014

The East Cape plans are posted clearly on the walls of the Sales Offices in both Riviera Maya and Nuevo Vallarta. Rumor has it that construction will start very soon, if it has not started already. Members have reported gates at the property that prevent entry to view progress.

One Aimfair member recounted how her husband and she stopped at the Grand Mayan in San Jose del Cabo to talk with the local sales staff, hoping to get an accurate update. The person they spoke with was the sales manager, and he told them that they would have to buy in San Jose del Cabo in order to gain access to the property.

Our guess is it is not true. The project is too large and expensive to be sold entirely from San Jose del Cabo. But then, that's sales for you.
East Cape Plans

East Cape Plan - Resort and Beach

East Cape Plan - Golf Courses

There is no question that the East Cape property will be a welcome addition. Certainly, it will be the closest large facility to the US and Canada, which we suspect will make it very popular.

More from Lindsa_m

Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with us Lindsa_m. We will all....stay tuned...
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