
Let's Get Together

October 22, 2010

So Gina Marie's idea has taken a whole new life!

Aimfair Members can now post their trip dates by themselves. How?

Simply by selecting from the Calendars menu above or the list below that appears below the Property you will be visiting.

Let's Get Together at . . .

When you reach the Property you want, then click on the words: "click here" (that appear on the Property Page, not on this one) and you will be taken to a form.

Complete the form, press the "Add Me" button and your information will be captured and entered on that property's Lets Get Together Listing.

To return to the Calendars Property Page, either use your browser to go back or select Calendars from the Member's Bar and highlight the property you want to see.

Let's give it a try and enjoy the camaraderie that evolves.

Thank you all for participating.